Dual Beam Projectors (2 x 10W Spectra Physics Millennia DPSS Lasers)
Main Projector Version 1
View From Projection Booth
Left Side Beam House
Beam Effect System (1 of 2)
40' x 60' Automated Screen
Main Projector (fiber input)
First Install (Schneider Laser #1)
Schneider / AV Imagineering Promo Video (Replacement Laser install shown here)
Non-polarized PCAOM system (PCAOM split the beams into polarized V/H beams, then multi-prism recombined back to a collinear beam, about 70% efficient)
Final Main Projector (just waiting for output lens system)
50um Fiber Collimator Optics did not like the 35KW pulses (possible inclusion in the optics caused this)
Yours Truly in Class 100 Cleanroom realigning the SESAM (SEmiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror) that produces the 7ps pulses at 80MHz
Beautiful Laser System Design - The best beam quality and color I have ever seen to this day!
The Final Output... Testing with no fog (see video for best images of output)
These were the models that did not have the internal AOMs, and thus could produce 20W of output (you could overdrive the pump diodes as well). The internal AOM model had an output power of
over 10W. These were quite the systems back in 2001...
They filled the technological transition gap from ion lasers to diode lasers especially for the military customers that used these for simulator systems – wow those were awesome, high resolution,
bright, full saturated color too!